What We’re Doing
Chicago Torture Justice Memorial
The Blackivists led a Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap workshop facilitated by Stacie Williams for the Chicago Torture Justice Memorial working group focused on building the digital infrastructure for a website featuring oral histories, which is one output of the memorial project.
Organizers and advisory board of the Chicago Torture Justice Memorials (CTJM) Project.
Illinois chapter of the black panther party ORal history project
In 2019, the Blackivists consulted with members of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party about best practices for the capture, storage, preservation and conservation of oral histories and identified resources to support their narrative gathering and community archives initiative.
The Blackivists with members of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party at the Woodson Regional Library.
Honey Pot Performance - Chicago Black Social Change Culture Map
Since 2018, the Blackivists have collaborated with Honey Pot Performance on their Chicago Black Social Culture Map — an online public humanities project documenting Black social culture from the Great Migration through the early 21st century with a focus on the emergence of house culture in the 1980s — to provide free, in-person consultations to event attendees on DIY archiving tips for safekeeping personal photographs, documents, and audiovisual materials related to the Chicago House Music scene.
Blackivists members Stacie Williams and Steven Booth scanning Chicago House Music ephemera at the first CBSCM Community Archiving Day. (Photo by M Thrē Photography)