Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the Blackivists?
We’re a collective of trained and credentialed African-American archivists based in the Chicagoland area.
What’s an archivist? What are archives?
Archivists work to collect, organize, describe and make available collections or records of unique or historical importance. An archive can be both a physical and online space where collections live that have been organized and cataloged according to best practices, and also refers to the collections that people create with their own materials, such as photographs, letters, journals, even web pages. Even Beyoncé has an archivist and archive!
I have a lot of important stuff in my basement; isn’t that an archive?
A professional archivist can help you determine if your material is of unique or historical importance. There may be items and objects that are personally important to you that do not necessarily fit the qualifications of unique or historical material. We can tell you how to take care of those things too.
Why should I talk to an archivist about the stuff I’ve been holding on to?
Traditional archives at colleges and universities, historical societies, museums, and government agencies have often excluded the histories of marginalized people and communities. Organizing your own materials may allow for the discovery of stories that could fill gaps in the historical record.
What kind of formats can you tell me how to care for?
Members of the collective have experience with most formats—analog and digital. Formats include but are not limited to print (manuscripts, letters, diaries), photographs, negatives, scrapbooks, architectural drawings, websites, email, and digitized materials.
Can I gift you my personal collection?
No. We are not a collecting organization and we do not do this work on behalf of our respective institutions. We provide guidance on how you can maintain your collection. We can also assist you with how to approach organizations that may have an interest in your materials.
Can you sell my collection for me?
No. We are neither an auction house nor licensed memorabilia dealers.
Can you tell me how much money my collection is worth?
No. We are not a licensed appraisal organization, nor do we make referrals to those organizations.
Are you sure you can’t take my collection?
Absolutely sure. We can’t take it.
Do you provide volunteer or internship opportunities?
While we appreciate your interest in working with us, we are not taking on volunteers or interns at this time.
Washington National Records Center Stack Area with Employee Servicing Records, ca. 1968. Source: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.